Promenadology and Teaching Promenadological Exercises to HUFA Students


Promenadology and Teaching Promenadological Exercises to HUFA Students

Georg Winter is one of the most interesting artists when it comes to extending and redefining sculptural art. His plastic repertoire does not use the classical characteristics of sculptural art but sees the medium as a sculptural and activity form. In this Winter does not restrict himself to the traditional concept of a material-bound corporal formation in a three dimensional space.The artist combines sculptural art and action art which catapult his artworks into new spheres of societal relevance. What can art achieve? What makes sense? What kind of picture does it convey of society?
An essential aspect of Georg Winter’s artistic strategy is the close interconnection between art and life, and here Winter undermines all expectations of clear boundaries: his art abandons the secure framework of the institution of the museum, or conversely challenges the museum with an unexpected incursion of the outside world.
Georg Winter, a visiting professor from the University in Saarbrücken, (Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar) Germany, and is spending a semester at HUFA, funded by the Ludwig Sponsorship Award. During his stay, he is teaching an English language course for students on Promenadology.

The topic of his talk is Promenadology and Teaching Promenodological Exercises to Students of HUFA. In uncertain times, artists and designers are faced with new situations and questions about their self-image and their role in artistic and creative participation in social processes. On the basis of nomadic and promenadological practices, we develop methods, tools, skills, forms of action that broaden the horizon, open up the scope and tie in directly with what concerns the participants and how they can transfer it. Places, languages, images, forms of action and objects are changed, seen anew, transformed, taken along, shared and negotiated. Everyone is invited to participate on an interdisciplinary basis. Artistic research, Strollology or promenadological exercise are practical, courageous but not always an easy way. In the spirit of Carl Einstein: "Miracles are a question of training".