Martin Zetová: Mendelssohn on the Roof

Martin Zetová: Mendelssohn on the Roof
Date: December 4, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Venue: Ludwig Museum, Auditorium, 1st floor (1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell u. 1.)
„A narative based public space intervention connecting Prague and Budapest. I am dazzled by the sculptures on the balcony of the Hungarian State Opera House. One of them would suit my purpose much better than all those we have on the roof of Rudolfinum in Prague. I dream about bringing to life the plot from Jiří Weil's novel Mendelssohn is on the Roof. If you want to know more before attending the talk in the Ludwig Museum in Budapest, you can read this book first. In Hungarian it is called Mendelssohn a tetőn.” Martin Zetová
Martin Zetová is a Czech visual artist known for his diverse and often provocative work, including sculpture, installation, performance, video, and drawing.
Trained as a sculptor and acclaimed for his work in performance and sculpture, Zetova's art spans drawings, photography, video, and artist's books. A 2013 recipient of the "Umělec má cenu" (The artist has value) award, Zet is known for his conceptual approach, which blends personal narrative and social engagement.
His art frequently explores themes of memory - focusing on his long-term exploration of the sculptural legacy of his father, Miloš Zet - identity, history, and social critique, often delving into the political and cultural landscapes of the Czech Republic and Eastern Europe. Zet is recognised for his experimental and sometimes humorous approach, blending personal and public narratives with critical perspectives on nationalism, propaganda, and collective memory. His works engage audiences in reflections on societal issues, challenging conventional perspectives and inviting dialogue.
This term, supported by the Ludwig Foundation in Aachen, he is a guest professor at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, teaching a seminar on the boundaries of art.
Language: English
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