The Tale of the Norway Spruce and the Bark Beetle: Ecological Crisis and Trauma

The Tale of the Norway Spruce and the Bark Beetle: Ecological Crisis and Trauma
Opening: 30 August 2024, Friday 18.00 h
Location: 1111 Gallery (1111 Budapest, Kende u. 1.)
The exhibition is open: 31. August – 13 September, 2024.
Starting from a garden, the international artists' exhibition investigates the phenomenon of traumatic loss and disappearance of a well-known species, affecting local residents personally, as well as the problem of ecological change in general in a local, regional context.
The research-based exhibition explores the complex ecological, horticultural and social issues related to the extinction of spruce trees with special emphasis to the relationship between human and more than human agency. The exhibiting artists' research was supported by experts who gave lectures throughout the semester, with examples such as new strategies for tree replacement, urban opportunities for creating functioning ecosystems.
Artists: Ania Jopp (PL), Manuel F. Contreras (CO), Audette Hyder (SYR), Danny Foey (IR), Yeasir Arafat és Marta Massar (IT), Georg Winter (D), Van Duursen Luna Elín (NL), Subotic Barbara (SRB)
Curators: Tünde Varga, Ágnes Keszegh
Contributors: Márton Nyerges, Mark Richards, Auróra klímakert, Iván András Bojár, 10 million trees, Balazs Borhy, expert
Graphic designer: Zoltán Visnyai