
Megnyitó: 2023. 09. 21. 18:00
Helyszín: MKE Aula (1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 69.)
Megtekinthető: 2023. 09. 22– 10. 04.
Köszöntőt mond: Dr. Prof Erős István rektor
A kiállítást megnyitja: Dóró Sándor, a Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden professzora
Irene Binarelli
Kitti Klaudia Harmati
Markus Kidalka
Gunta Lante
Livia Martino
Andrea Pálóczi
Anna Rehorovszky
Lilla Zarándy
The nude drawing course was held one year ago, in February 2022, in Dresden within the framework of the EU4Art pro-gram, where university students came from Budapest, Rome, Riga and Dresden. In this workshop, the participants had to draw three models over the course of two weeks, using different techniques and different durations. The result was a huge, diverse, yet unified collection organized around one object, which very vividly presents the journey made - individually and as a group.
With Sándor Doró’s fine guidelines, everyone progressed in their own individual way and pace, yet together we penetrated deeper into both the theoretical and practical pitfalls of the practice of drawing.
The professor often used the example that drawing is a process similar to a walk in a garden, during which each circle made reveals new and new layers of reality – the drawing grows and develops in parallel with our expanding observations.
Time has passed unchanged since the cour-se, then our crossed paths parted again, but the meeting resulted in a deep change in us, the impact of which has been felt in our work ever since.
This is what we want to show with the exhi-bition, how the seeds of the fruits harvested at that time, now planted in different, distant lands, developed into what