Common Exhibition “Vom Überschreiten / Transitioning”

Common Exhibition “Vom Überschreiten / Transitioning”
From May 6 to June 19, the international exhibition of the European University Alliance #eu4art will take place in the Oktogon of the Dresden University of Fine Arts, with artistic works by students from the art schools of Budapest, Dresden, Riga and Rome.
Curation by: Susanne Greinke & Frizzi Krella
With works by: Mitsuki Akiyama | Bianka Dobó | Veronika Frolova | Marcella Giannini | Annemarija Gulbe | Borbála Róza Jakab | Rasa Jansone | Johannes Kiel | Yesul Lee | Anna Malicka | Eleonora Mattozzi | Liāna Mihailova | Sol Namgung | Annike Nannt | Gianna Parisse | Luca Pataki | Gianmarco Savioli | Réka Schell | Atis Šnēvelis | Sandra Strēle | Theresa Tuffner | Zoltán Visnyai | Hamid Yaraghchi
“Überschreiten / Transitioning” stands for movement. It unites social, spatial and temporal dimen-sions. Transitioning means expanding one’s own horizon, thinking further. In its temporal mean-ing, it is about leaving behind something whose time has passed. The exhibition seeks artistic approaches that go beyond boundaries, perhaps even pointing beyond themselves, from the past as a bridge across the present into a distant future. The works deal in the broadest sense with transition – Übergang – passagio – transizione – Átmenet – pāreja.
Location: Oktogon, Georg-Treu-Platz, 01067 Dresden
Opening: 05. May 2022, 7 pm
Opening Hours: Tue – Sun, 11 am – 6 pm